Bath Essentials for Bookworms

Bath Essentials for Bookworms

Looking for some bath essentials for your favorite bookworm (AKA yourself)? Here’s some help! Whether it’s a bath bomb, some candles, or a great book, there are easy ways to transform your bath into a lux spa experience without having to leave home. Read on to find out how to up your bathroom game with the perfect bath essentials for bookworms (and everyone else)!

1. Face Mask: A face mask is a must when lounging in the tub. I really love the face masks by Lush. They’re vegan and don’t test on animals, which is important to me — in fact, they’ve even joined a campaign to end animal testing in China.  I also like the consistency and feel like it does a good job cleaning out your pores because of the clay and fresh peppermint that reach deep down and give you that delightful tingly-clean sensation. Also, the packaging is super cute! Another cruelty-free brand I love is the Say Yes To line. Their charcoal masks and also unicorn masks are some of my favorites.

Say Yes To charcoal acne mask ($12.68)

2. Bath Bombs: My favorite bath bombs are all natural and handmade from Northern California store Lather and Fizz. After all the stresses of the day, what you really need is to RELAX with a good book and a bath. They come in all different scents but I really like the Relax Bath Bomb which is scented with blue lavender and palarosa essential oil blend that will help you find that little peace and quiet you’ve been looking for all day.

Lather and Fizz Bath Bombs ($29.95 for group of 4)

3. Candles: I just love candles to set the mood for a bath and it doesn’t get any cuter than these “book-themed” candles by Frostbeard Studio. There are so many scents to choose from but I’m kind of partial to “Through the Wardrobe” because it’s a relaxing blue color & scent and because “The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe” is a fav book of mine.

Frostbeard Studio Candle ($18.00)

4. Hair Mask: Bath time is the perfect time to treat your hair to a moisturizing and nutrient-packed mask. I really love hair masks from Oribe because they leave my hair feeling soft and luxurious also because, like Lush cosmetics, they are also cruelty free.

Oribe hair mask ($63.00)

5. A Good Book: For bath time, I recommend something that can be digested in short spurts like a fun non-fiction self-help/empowerment book or business book or even a fiction anthology (you can check out all my favorite anthologies here). Otherwise you risk staying in the tub too long and coming out a prune. Ha! If you’re nervous about getting your books wet, you can also try audiobooks playing on a bluetooth speaker. Here’s my code for a free trial if you’d like to check it out!

#GirlBoss by Sophia Amoruso ($9.60)

5. Tea: I love to have a relaxing tea while I drink. Some of my favorites are lavender and chamomile flavors, which are great at bedtime and really help you unwind. Have you ever noticed how some of the luxury spas offer you tea when you check in? There’s a reason why! It’s great to put you in a calm mood. I love cute bookish mugs for my tea and some of the best ones are on Society 6.

I read past my bedtime mug ($16.99)

6. Jade Rollers: Jade rollers are the latest lux trend for anti-aging facial massage. I love these both because they look gorgeous in your bathroom but also because they feel amazing on your skin. I use mine not just for anti-aging but also for headaches and to calm the areas under my eyes when puffy. This is the one I have and love:

Pink quarta jade roller ($18.98).

7. Slippers: Does anything feel better than stepping out of the tub and into a pair of ultra-lux, faux fur (animal friendly!) cozy slippers? Nope. These are definitely a must-add to any bathroom for your at home spa day. Below is a pair I really like that is much cheaper AND far more animal friendly (ie its faux– not real sheepskin!!!).

Miya faux fur slippers ($22.99)

8. Bath Salts: I’m obsessed with pink Himalayan bath salts. The pink color is so soothing and relaxing and it’s amazing for naturally detoxing your body. Using a process called reverse osmosis, the pink salt is known to help pull out all the countless toxins we are exposed to every day. I sometimes mix these with a few drops of my favorite essential oils like lavender.

Westlab Himalayan bath salts ($16.99)

9. Rubber duck: You’re never too young for a rubber ducky. Especially a cute one with a twist–like pink or unicorn colored. There’s something about a rubber duck in the tub that makes you feel young and youthful–and that’s a great thing at the end of a long day!

Pink Rubber Duck ($14.28)

What are your go-to bath essentials? Let me know in the COMMENTS below! For more lounging essentials, check out The Best Reading Robes.